Amish Furniture, Handcrafted for Your Home

Amish Elm Furniture

For hundreds of years, people have been using elmwood for a number of purposes—including furniture and canoes. Today, craftsmen favor elm for producing furniture, veneers, boxes, baskets, hockey sticks – and paper. Also, elm is water-resistant. So many people, including Native Americans, have utilized elm to fashion canoes, rope, utensils, and roofing. At Weaver Furniture Sales, we’re proud to offer Amish elm furniture.

Elm is a hard, tough hardwood. But, it bends easily when steamed. And it holds its shape when dry. No wonder elm is so highly favored by cabinetmakers! Check out the beautiful pieces below made with elm.


Amish Elm Furniture from Weaver Furniture Sales

The collection of Amish Elm Furniture shown is just a sampling of the elm furniture available from Weaver Furniture Sales. That’s because you can choose any furniture item or set you like. Then, request that we build it with elmwood. And remember: the furniture we build for you will be far superior to what you’re likely to find in popular franchise furniture stores. Because the best cabinetmakers in the Midwest – Amish men – skillfully handcraft each piece of our Amish furniture. So, with proper care, the elm furniture we build for you should last for generations to come.

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