Amish Furniture, Handcrafted for Your Home

Hickory Furniture

Among North American hardwoods, hickory wood is unmatched in the combination of hardness, toughness, and bending strength. And that’s why cabinetmakers have been making furniture from this unique hardwood for hundreds of years. In addition, craftsmen have been using hickory for a wide variety of other applications. Like wagon wheels and hardwood floors. Tool handles and wooden ladders. Plus sporting goods.

Also, hickory has excellent steam-bending properties. So it’s frequently used in armchairs. But perhaps the most well-known feature of this wood in furniture is its rustic appearance. In fact, builders often integrate rustic features like knots and hickory bark as part of the furniture design. And that’s why you’ll find hickory in cabins and lodges. Plus upscale homes. So browse our selection of hickory pieces.


Hickory Furniture from Weaver Furniture Sales

With its toughness and durability, hickory items from Weaver Furniture Sales represent the right choice for you. But it gets even better. Because our Amish cabinetmakers custom-build each piece. Also, the Amish artisans integrate tried-and-proven woodworking skills handed down from their ancestors. So take proper care of the hickory item(s) you choose. And they should last for generations to come. Don’t see the Amish furniture item you desire within the hickory collection above? No worries. Simply select the piece you desire from anywhere in our online store. Then, ask us to build it with hickory.

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