Amish Furniture, Handcrafted for Your Home

Mission Furniture

Mission Furniture boasts a long, rich history. It stretches back to the European settlement of the American Southwest. That’s when Spanish missionaries built adobe-walled missions in California and elsewhere. The simplistic building design inspired succeeding generations of artists. So the ‘Mission’ design style began to filter into many fields. Like sculpture, architecture, painting and furniture. Gustav Stickley popularized the classic Mission-style design. And it’s known for its wood slats and straight angles. Today, Mission-style furniture is as popular as ever. Also, it possesses a timeless appeal. So, check out our full selection of furniture with the Mission style below. Or, come see us at our ‘brick and mortar’ store in Shipshewana, Indiana.


Mission Furniture from Weaver Furniture Sales

Artisans in the heart of Indiana’s Amish Country handcraft every piece of Mission-style furniture from Weaver Furniture Sales! Also, the Amish men build furniture in many popular designs. Are you looking for an entertainment center or flat screen TV cabinets? Or a desk, sofa or dining chair? Because you can get them all in the Mission style. So let the search begin! Wish to put your own flair on the Mission design? Great. Just tell us your personal preferences. And our Amish craftsmen will custom-build the furniture just the way you want it from Weaver Amish Furniture.

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