Amish Furniture, Handcrafted for Your Home

Outdoor Rocker

Nothing can replace the comfort and relaxation of sitting in an Outdoor Rocker – reading, talking or winding down after a long day. So it’s nice to know that we offer a selection of rockers to choose from. And they’re all ideal for your patio, porch or deck. Also, we offer rockers in aromatic red cedar, cypress or treated pine. Or, you can choose maintenance-free Poly Lumber. Also, all materials are built and specially treated for long life. So browse our selection of rockers. Or visit our ‘brick and mortar’ store in Shipshewana, Indiana. And see our outdoor seating products for yourself.


Outdoor Rockers from Weaver Furniture Sales

You may order any of the outdoor rocking chairs above as shown. Or we can customize it to meet your needs and desires. For example, our Poly Lumber rockers come in a variety of colors. Because at Weaver, we’re all about Amish furniture, handcrafted for your lifestyle.

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