Amish Furniture, Handcrafted for Your Home

Solid-Wood High Chairs

Solid-Wood High Chairs from Weaver Furniture Sales give you the safety, ease of use and durability you’re looking for in a high chair. A safety harness, slatted sides and securely latched tray keep little ones safely seated. Also, the tray is easily removed, making the high tray easy to use.

What’s more, Amish artisans custom-craft each Mission, Royal Mission and Comeback high chair. Also, the Amish men use solid hardwoods plus tried-and-proven, old-world cabinetmaking skills. So we offer chairs renown for quality, durability and long service life.

Check out our online selection of high chairs. Or, visit our ‘brick and mortar’ store in Shipshewana, Indiana, and see them first-hand.


Solid-Wood High Chairs from Weaver

You may order your favorite Solid-Wood High Chairs from Weaver Furniture Sales as shown. Or, tell us your custom choices. And we will build the chair to your exact requirements. For example, tell us your choice of wood (such as oak, maple, cherry, and hickory). Also, indicate your preferences for the finish (such as the stain/paint/dye), plus any other custom options.

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