Next time you ‘rack ’em up’ with friends or family, do so in style. Choose the Breckenridge Pool Table. The curved feet, raised panels and ornate carvings in the base are sure to turn heads. We offer the table in lengths of 7, 8 and 9 feet, and you can request a cue drawer. Also, we have a variety of colors to choose from — such as teal (shown). Plus, you get multiple pocket choices. Amish cabinetmakers — the best in the Midwest — build the pool table from solid hardwoods like oak, maple and cherry. No wonder the table is so sturdy, it’s heirloom-quality! Ready to order? Click the “Customize this product” button below. Then, fill out the customizing fields. Or call 877-357-2106.
Breckenridge Pool Table

Products > Breckenridge Pool Table
- Solid Hardwood Construction
- Optional Cue Drawer
- Customizable
- Available in 7', 8' or 9'